After a deadly shooting, a police officer wakes up decades in the future. In a world where a TV show organises bloody combats between warriors from different eras, Ryan must fight the best of them to survive.
Geja misses assassinating Pamma and ends up in the same jail, intent on finishing the job. A merciless cop's plan to transfer the dangerous prisoners to Rajasthan escalates the situation.
A daring robber, striving for survival and establishing his own territory amid conflicts with powerful adversaries, battling to become a 'king without a kingdom'.
影片以主角 Marco 的视角展开,他曾误入歧途成为黑帮成员,但内心深处一直保留着善良的本质。故事中,Marco 所在的城市出现了一系列危害社会安全的恶性事件,警方在调查过程中发现这些事件与黑帮的非法活动有千丝万缕的联系。Marco 在经历了一些事情后,开始反思自己的生活和选择。当他发现黑帮的阴谋可能会给城市里无辜的人们带来巨大灾难时,他决定挺身而出。他利用自己对黑帮内部情况的了解,开始暗中协助警方收集证据。在这个过程中,Marco 遭遇了来自黑帮内部的怀疑和追杀,那些曾经的 “兄弟” 对他反目成仇,给他设下了重重陷阱。但 Marco 没有放弃,他与警方紧密合作,同时也在努力保护那些被黑帮威胁的普通市民。强调了正义和救赎的力量。