Four friends will compete in awkward and outrageous hidden-camera hijinks. At the end of each episode, the losing competitor will have to attempt a mortifying challenge.
In this season, 10 ultimate Survivor fans square off against 10 of their favorite players from the past in the Camaroan Islands!
The Bik al Tribe (Favorites) and the Gota Tribe (Fans) are set to compete in SURVIVOR: CARAMOAN – FANS vs. FAVORITES when the twenty-sixth installment of the Emmy Award-winning reality series premieres with a special two-hour edition, Wednesday, February 13 (8:00 – 10:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
19个赛季,137名选手,这个收视长红的老牌真人节目已经伴随我们九年半。此番节目方召集20名玩得最精彩最富话题性的明星选手,在萨摩亚展开一场英雄对阵恶棍的终极较量。这些第二次甚至第三次参赛的选手究竟会选择报复还是救赎,而在这场正邪较量中笑到最后的究竟会是勇气荣誉还是智谋诈欺。敬请一起关注 Survivor:Heroes vs Villains !
Castaways hover on the 'Edge of Extinction' in an all-new twist, and four returning players attempt to bond with their new tribemates. Also, castaways tackle a giant puzzle in their first immunity challenge of the season.